See the Steam Controller in Action for the First Time

steam controller portal 2

Valve has finally showed off some real gameplay using their new Steam controller, which has gotten quite the reaction from the gaming community due to its lack of analog sticks.

The Steam controller features two touch pads that can be configured completely different with each game you play. The catch is that games have to have support for the touch pads if you want advanced controls, otherwise you can just map them to traditional mouse and keyboard controls.

You can view the demo below:

In the demo Jeff Bellinghausen from Valve plays through a few very different games, including Portal 2, Civilization V, Counterstrike Go and Papers Please. Most of these games function similarly, but Civilization and Papers Please specifically have 1:1 mouse control with one of the touch pads – really awesome stuff.

This very prototype is the same that will be sent out to the first 300 Steam users later this year.


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