Soul Saga – A JRPG Inspired by PS1 Era JRPGs

Soul Saga, a JRPG inspired by Playstation-era franchises like Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Suikoden and Persona – is a game after my own heart. Not only does it look awesome, promising, and a unique JRPG, it’s not one of those silly “parody JRPGs” that have been plaguing the indie scene lately. It has its own unique humor, story and characters (that have voice acting!).

You can find pre-alpha battle gameplay below:

Want to know what’s even more exciting? It has reached several stretch goals so now it’s coming to Wii U, PS4, PC and Vita! The rest of their stretch goals are going to only add more content, which is why this game is definitely one to watch considering how much content it’s aiming to have.

So what do you guys think? Is this game worth backing?

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry. Pronouns: Patriarch, Guido, Olive, Catholic

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