Final Fantasy XII director kills old rumor, Basch was never the protagonist

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII was a massive game when it released back in 2006 and it had a lengthy development cycle. As such, many rumors behind the game naturally exist.

One rumor popular with fans is that it was originally going to be a darker fantasy world, more akin to Vangrant Story or Final Fantasy Tactics. 

Both titles were directed by Yasumi Matsuno, who also served as the original director on Final Fantasy XII.

Coming from this, another rumor claimed that Basch fon Ronsenburg was the original protagonist, not Vaan, who the final game featured as the main protagonist.

Despite not being the protagonist, Basch does eventually become a party member later in the game and remains a big part of the overarching story.

Nearly 20 years later, Matsuno has finally struck down this rumor. “That rumor is a fake story. Thank you,” the director said on Twitter.

The comment from Matsuno arose from a thread where fans were discussing how Final Fantasy XVI protagonist Clive Rosfield will become the oldest main character in the main Final Fantasy games.

Lastly, the original rumor claimed that Basch was swapped with Vaan alongside the game being changed up to appeal to more players.

In comparison, Vaan is more of a scrappy underdog reminiscent of Final Fantasy X protagonist Tidus. Regardless, we now know the rumor was never accurate.

Final Fantasy XII has been available for PS2, Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4. Check out our thorough review on the game here!



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