Twitter update makes verified checkmarks hide who paid for Twitter Blue subscription


Twitter rolled out an update this weekend that removed the ability to tell if a verified user paid for their verified checkmark, leading to the ego death of many internet celebrities.

The new system, which new owner and company boss Elon Musk has been talking about for months, is forcing all “legacy” verified users to subscribe to Twitter Blue, else they lose their beloved verified checkmark – and thus their entire claim to fame.

Now on mobile devices and on desktop whenever you look at a “verified” user, including Musk himself, you’ll get the ego-shattering disclaimer: “This account is verified because it’s subscribed to Twitter Blue or is a legacy verified account.”

Previously, if you had a verified badge thanks to a Twitter Blue subscription, it would point this out quite clearly: “This account is verified because it’s subscribed to Twitter Blue.” This got the “legacy” verified badge users who clung to their minor internet fame.

Legacy badge owners were also upset when the previous disclaimer on their badge read “This is a legacy verified account. It may or may not be notable.”

Whether you pay for a Twitter Blue subscription or not, Elon has made it quite clear that any individual users that don’t pay up will lose their badges – the only workaround is if they’re part of a parent organization or company that forks up $1,000 a month for their staff to get badges.

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