Blade Runner tabletop RPG hits Kickstarter, gets funded in three minutes

Blade Runner tabletop RPG

If you weren’t aware – tabletop games are wildly popular, a modern phenomenon once again confirmed by the Blade Runner tabletop RPG getting funded in minutes on Kickstarter.

The folks at Free League Publishing and Alcon Entertainment posted the Blade Runner tabletop RPG Kickstarter page, asking for a mere $10,000 to fund the project.

People apparently really love tabletop games as they’re generally more socially acceptable for non-gamers, plus Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is one of the most iconic films ever made.

Taking both of these things into consideration, it makes total sense that the project blasted past its original funding goal and is now comfortably sitting at over one million dollars.

The Blade Runner tabletop RPG crowdfunding offers various rewards for backers, like the Starter Set that includes its rulebook, character cards, and more.

Here’s the announcement trailer for the Blade Runner tabletop RPG:

Here’s a rundown on the Blade Runner tabletop RPG:

Blade Runner tabletop RPG

Designed by Free League – the publishers of award-winning RPGs such as the ALIEN RPG, The One Ring™, MÖRK BORG, Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying, and Tales From the Loop – the BLADE RUNNER RPG propels players into the neon noir streets of Los Angeles as Blade Runners. Set in the year 2037, the adventures begin shortly after the Wallace Corporation debuts the new Nexus-9 Replicants on Earth, giving players the choice to play as either human or Replicant Blade Runners with different specialties, personalities, and memories.

Apart from the core casework, the Blade Runner tabletop RPG will both in setting and mechanics also showcase key themes of Blade Runner – action, corporate intrigue, existential character drama, and moral conflict – that encourage roleplaying and challenge player characters to question their orders, empathize with their enemies, and make hard calls with high stakes and long-lasting implications.

Tomas Härenstam, Free League co-founder and lead game designer of the ALIEN RPG, fills the same role for the BLADE RUNNER RPG. Original artwork comes from lead ALIEN RPG artist Martin Grip, with Joe LeFavi of Genuine Entertainment, who also brokered the deal with Alcon for Free League, serving as the lead setting writer, brand manager, and producer on the game series.

Alongside a bevy of beautiful previews and a new trailer of the neon neverland soon to come, Free League has revealed their initial line-up of BLADE RUNNER gear available to backers now:

The BLADE RUNNER hardcover Core Rulebook ($55) features 200+ pages of official Blade Runner lore and an original investigative RPG ruleset that takes Free League’s award-winning Year Zero engine to a new level.

All backers also receive a PDF version of CASE FILE 01: Electric Dreams – the first official Cinematic module for the BLADE RUNNER RPG. An original, investigative twist on Free League’s award-winning Cinematic mode and a love letter to classic mystery games like Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Blade Runner Case Files will deliver full-length scenarios with pre-generated characters and events, a shared pool of assets and informants throughout the city, and a variety of physical handouts representing in-world artifacts (data files, Esper photos, evidence, and more) to be used during the investigation.

In the Rep-Detect Bundle ($95), backers can receive the Standard edition of the Core Rulebook as as well as the Blade Runner RPG Starter Set, a boxed collection that includes a condensed rulebook, the print edition of the Case File 01: Electric Dreams, pre-generated characters, and various physical handouts that bring the fully-immersive investigation to life. If unlocked as stretch goals, custom dice, an initiative card deck, a map of the 2037 Los Angeles, and more will added to the Starter Set.

For the elites, the Off-World Bundle ($140) delivers the print and digital edition of the Starter Set alongside the limited run Collector Edition of the Core Rulebook, boasting a deluxe black faux leather cover with an embossed holographic foil stamp of the iconic neon Origin kanji character. The Collector Edition is exclusively made for Kickstarter and will never be printed again.

For retailers, the Megacorp Bundle welcomes FLGS buyers to purchase five physical copies of the standard edition Core Rulebook and Starter Set at a discount. And if cash or chinyen are short, the Diji Bundle ($35) offers PDF editions of the Core Rulebook and Case File 01: Electric Dreams for all players to enjoy.

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