The Witcher TV series is replacing Henry Cavill

The Witcher TV series

Netflix has announced they’re replacing Henry Cavill as Geralt in their The Witcher TV series.

While The Witcher TV series hasn’t even premiered its third season, which Cavill still stars as Geralt, they’ve confirmed Liam Hemsworth is replacing him with the TV adaptation’s fourth run.

“My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4,” Cavill said in a statement. “In my stead, the fantastic Mr. Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf”

Hemsworth is very excited to step into Geralt’s boots, even this late into the show.

“As a Witcher fan I’m over the moon about the opportunity to play Geralt of Rivia,” Hemsworth said in a statement. “Henry Cavill has been an incredible Geralt, and I’m honoured that he’s handing me the reins and allowing me to take up the White Wolf’s blades for the next chapter of his adventure.”

The Witcher TV series will premiere its third season, the final run with Cavill, in summer 2023.

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