The Lighthouse gets a 4K remaster complete with a Collector’s Edition

The Lighthouse

For all the Robert Eggers diehards out there some delightful news arrived today – his twisted 2019 thriller The Lighthouse is getting a 4K release.

The new 4K remaster for The Lighthouse is based on an all-new HDR master and comes in both 4K and a regular non-4K old blu-ray, exclusively via A24’s online store.

The reasoning behind the non-4K blu-ray release is for those unwashed heathens that don’t want a 4K release but still want all that glorious Collector’s Edition swag.

Here’s a closer look at the big swanky Collector’s Edition and its contents:

A disc release featuring original artwork by Tobias Kaspar and a 64-page interior booklet, the printed discpack comes enclosed in an embossed wave-textured slipcase.

Disc extras include:

  • Director’s Commentary with Robert Eggers
  • Exclusive mini documentary on composer Mark Korven
  • Costume walkthrough and interview with costume designer Linda Muir
  • 2019 making-of featurette
  • Deleted scenes

Book contents include:

  • Storyboard excerpts by David Cullen
  • Production design drawings by Craig Lathrop
  • BTS photography by Eric Chakeen
  • Bib-front shirt pattern made by Marvin Schlichting to Linda Muir’s design

A reminder this is the very first time The Lighthouse is being release in 4K – sometimes more boutique films like this get limited prints for a 4K remastering so supplies may be limited.

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