Desktop Dungeons is free on Steam to celebrate remaster

Classic turn-based roguelike Desktop Dungeons just got a remaster, so to celebrate, the original game is free on Steam.

The game is available for any Steam user to grab from April 18th to April 25th, 2023. The remaster, Desktop Dungeons: Rewind, also released on the 18th.

The remaster was also free for anyone who owned the original before April 18th, so Desktop Dungeons fans get the remaster for free.

You can read more about the original game below:

Each step into the unknown heals you and reveals new obstacles as you guide fresh heros to glorious retirement or ignominious death. Master tactical spells, appease ancient gods and get rich through taxidermy in this award-winning quick-play puzzle-roguelike

The perfect coffee-break game for genius tacticians and chilled clickers alike:

Fight your way through fantasy dungeons in 10 minutes or less. We’re busy people too.

Prize-winning game design awesomeness (13th Annual IGF Awards)

Classic roguelike play re-imagined as a unique single-screen puzzle game sort of thing! Reviewers have a hard time with genres.

Explore unrevealed terrain to regain health and mana. Game hook!

6 hours of gameplay? Try 6 billion… You can (and will) play Desktop Dungeons for the rest of your life.

Randomly generated dungeons are different every time you play. Build your Kingdom to unlock hordes of new classes, races and challenges.

Daily Dungeon allows you to compete against your Steam friends!

Amazing soundtrack by the improbably astounding team of Danny Baranowsky and Grant Kirkhope.

Desktop Dungeons and Desktop Dungeons: Rewind are both available on Microsoft Windows (through Steam), but you can also play the classic game on Android (through Android and iOS), so here’s hoping that Rewind also gets a mobile port soon.



Fan of Skeletons, Plays too many Video-Games, MMO Addict, Soulslike and Character Action enthusiast.

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