Sound Euphonium: Ensemble Contest hits Japanese theaters this summer

Sound! Euphonium (Hibike! Euphonium)

The upcoming anime film Sound Euphonium: Ensemble Contest will hit Japanese theaters on August 4.

Sound! Euphonium (or Hibike! Euphonium if you’re cultured) began as a novel series in 2013 and skyrocketed in popularity when Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) created an anime series for it in 2015.

In the years since, KyoAni has kept the franchise alive with regular theatrical releases that follow. You can check out the latest trailer here:

Kumiko Oumae is a new student in Kitauji High School’s concert band, the series follows her high school life and her relationship with her friends as they experience the breadth of ambition in the competitive world of high school band.

The latest film Sound! Euphonium: Ensemble Contest will wrap up the Ensemble Contest arc for fans and will help lead into the third season of the anime expected for sometime in 2024.

An English release for the film has yet to be announced.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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