Nikke teases the biggest booty collab ever with NieR

Goddess of Victory: Nikke

Publisher Level Infinite and developer SHIFT-UP are teasing a new collab for Goddess of Victory: Nikke that seems to include NieR.

The new collaboration with Square Enix and Taro Yoko’s NieR series was teased in the game’s “Half-Anniversary” live broadcast. This is probably one of the most-demanded booty collaborations ever in gaming.

If the above type font and styling aren’t enough of a tease, the panel hyped it up to involve a character wearing a “white leotard,” though that’s the only tidbit disclosed.

This is obviously a hint at NieR Automata protagonist 2B but as soon as a panelist mentioned this the host was quick to say they’d almost ruined the surprise.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke has been available for PC (via their website), iOS (via the App Store) and Android (via Google Play).

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