Japanese Bars and Restaurants Fight Consumption Tax Hike With All-You-Can-Drink Deals

The recent consumption tax hike in Japan has made lots of people rethink their finances. To help combat this, over a hundred restaurants and bars across the country now offer endless drink deals

In total, 138 bars and restaurants in Japan now offer endless drink deals for plans for 4000 yen (roughly $37USD) per month for a member – and only for one month apparently.

Each extra person in your party having to pay 1000 yen per visit. It’s worth noting this does not include food, although the expectation is that patrons will naturally grab a bite to each while they drink.

Participating bars and restaurants can be found in the following prefectures: Hokkaido, Amataro, Nijyu-Maru, Sangendo, Irohanihoheto, and Issa izakaya.

You can find more details over on the Favy website.



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