It’s finally the last leg of The Marauder’s Medley in Sea of Thieves. This 10 days of adventure has celebrated the biggest development milestones in the game and it’s ending here with Sea Forts, Reclaimed.
Sea Forts were an “on demand” PvE encounter added last year. These forts were similar to Siren Treasuries but were easier to visit and didn’t take as long to complete.
Sea Forts have players face off against phantoms, while exploring dilapidated forts from the Sea of the Damned. This was complete with treasure hidden all over and also an extra Storeroom Key as a bonus easter egg on top of the Treasury Key rewarded for killing the Captain.
So what do we need to do to complete this set of challenges?
Sea Forts, Reclaimed
Like all other Marauder’s Medley challenges, this one comes in three parts. Only one is required to unlock the unique rewards from the event, but the others give you a bit of extra gold.
A Hostile Reception: Visit any Sea Fort.
Who’s in Charge Here?: Visit a Sea Fort and delete the ghostly Captain to claim the Treasury Key.
Sea Fort Spoils: Open three Sea Fort Treasuries.
Although the last challenge only required one Siren Treasury, this one will almost be faster due to the quick nature of Sea Forts. But that depends on where you spawn.
Sea Forts
We’ve covered the Sea Fort locations and how to clear them in a past guide. But we’ve got some advice to quickly do the three challenges for The Marauder’s Medley.
You’ll want to spawn in at Plunder Outpost ideally. The two Sea Forts in the southwest corner of the Sea of Thieves are close to one another and it’s a low traffic area so it’s perfect to avoid other players.
Old Brinestone Fortress (K21)
Ancient Gold Fortress (F19)
Sea Forts are on a short respawn timer. This means you can clear Ancient Gold Fortress, and by the time you sail to and complete Old Brinestone, Ancient Gold will be ready to pillage once again!
That’s it! The Marauder’s Medley is over! Hopefully this last guide at least helped you get the Fifth Anniversary Eyepatch. You can check out what other prizes there were in our Sea of ThievesMarauder’s Medley guide.
Sea of Thieves is available for Windows PC (via the Microsoft Store, and Steam), Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. If you missed it, you can find our review here (we can’t recommend it enough!!)