Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island western release set for June

Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island

Publisher Aksys Games and developer Nippon Columbia have announced a release date for Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island.

The new fantasy farming sim is coming to Nintendo Switch on June 22nd. This is seemingly a sequel to Pretty Princess Party, which was previously released in Japan and the west – also for Switch.

Here’s a brief rundown on the previously announced game:

Pretty Princess Magical Garden Island

Cultivate crops and raise livestock while exploring the island to collect resources and create goods in this fun fantasy farming simulation game where you are free to play as you like.

The residents of your magical island are depending on you to keep them thriving and content. Roam the island to collect ingredients and materials to craft the goods they need. Back on your farm, plant seeds to raise crops that will grow over time, and collect milk and eggs from your animals. Use the money and goodwill you earn from your hard work to decorate the island and make it your perfectly cute fantasy home.

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