Tokyo Ghoul Creator Announces Girls Opera Game “Jack Jeanne” for Switch

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Japanese developer Broccoli and Tokyo Ghoul creator Sui Ishida have announced Jack Jeanne.

The new otome, opera-themed game is coming to the Nintendo Switch sometime in 2020, in Japan. Featured above, you can view a new teaser trailer for the game.

While the Jack Jeanne project actually started roughly three years ago, Sui Ishida has been doing the character designs, world building, theatrical setting, and even the lyrics – as the game is a mix of simulation and music/rhythm mechanics. The story is being written by Ishida and Shin Towada (who helped on the Tokyo Ghoul light novels).

During the simulation parts of the game, you can strengthen the bonds with your classmates as protagonsit Kisa Tachibana, while focusing on portraying the lead role the school play at the end of the year. The rhythm parts have the performers dancing in full 3D.

The story is focused on an all-men’s opera troupe titled Tamasaka. The troupe, as in classical theater, has men also play the role of women, and they own the Univers Opera School that is known for its great performances and training of talent. Their performances are reportedly so fantastic the audience can’t look away, even for a second.

The game stars protagonist Kisa Tachibana, who has given up on theater. However, due to certain circumstances, she’s given permission to attend the Univers Opera School – the game’s focus, on two conditions. The first is that she has to star in the final play at the end of the year, and the second is that she has to hide the fact that she’s a woman.

For now, you can visit the game’s official website here.



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