Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara announced for PC and consoles

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

Capcom has announced Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara at PAX East 2013.

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara will be available across Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox 360, Wii U, and PlayStation 3 sometime in June 2013.

As the name implies, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara includes both classic Capcom beat ’em up games Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara.

Capcom confirmed both legendary beat ’em up fantasy games will include drop in/out online cooperative play complete with rollback netcode, as well as leaderboards and even local cooperative play.

Players will also be able to tweak the game with house rules, and complete in-game challenges to get bonus experience for characters. You’ll also be able to acquire Vault points, which enable you to unlock bonus things like character art.

Here’s a rundown on the game:

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara brings reworkings of two of Capcom’s classic arcade hits – Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara – together in one definitive digital package.

Just as in the arcades, up to four players will select their character class before doing battle against the mythical beasts from the Dungeons and Dragons’ universe with a mix of melee, range and magic attacks.

Key Features

  • GGPO Enhanced Online With Drop-in/Drop-out Co-Op Play: Community-trusted GGPO powers a smooth online experience that allows up to four players to drop in or out of games in progress at will.
  • Classic Arcade Gameplay with a New Twist: Players can enjoy the original arcade modes or mix up the gameplay with House Rules that can completely alter the experience.
    Some examples of House Rules:

    • Unbreakable – Equipable items have infinite durability. Never worry about breakage again!
    • Enemy Rush – Fight against time in this special Time Attack Mode. Start the game clock with 30 seconds and increase the clock with each enemy you kill!
    • Make it Rain – Get rich quick! Enemies and chests drop tons of gold!
  • Challenge System: A newly introduced RPG-like system that fits on top of the existing games and provides a myriad of challenges for players to complete. Players can level up and obtain Vault Coins to be used in the Vault.
  • The Vault: A treasure trove of unlockables and gameplay loot can be purchased with Vault Coins earned via the Challenge System.
  • Character Visualizer: This UI visualizer tracks which characters the players and their friends most often use. Players can utilize the tool to create a more balanced multiplayer dungeon crew, or to see which under-used characters they should try out next.
  • Leaderboards & Connected Arcade: Players can track how they stack up against their friends through leaderboards, as well as view a full breakdown of gameplay related stats.
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