INDIE Live Expo 2023 will showcase over 200 indie games

INDIE Live Expo 2023

INDIE Live Expo 2023 is set for next month and boy will it be big – showrunners Ryu’s Office announced it will showcase over 200 indie games.

The biannaual live digital showcase will feature over 200 indie games during its two-day indie extravaganze, which runs from May 20th though the 21sts.

Day 1 will showcase “brand new, never-before-seen titles” as well as unannounced new, DLC, and updates for already-known indie games. Rapid fire “INDIE Waves” segments return for this summer’s showcase, bringing massive amounts of content in small, bite-sized portions.

Furthermore, the “INDIE Studios Around the World” segment is returning to help shine a spotlight on international indie games and their respective developer scenes.

Day 2, the “Aftershow”, is returning with longform let’s play segments that include gameplay sessions hosted by popular influencers. Fans will be able to watch live gameplay of the latest indie games from around the world.

We’ll report on the new games and announcements as they come – stay tuned.



Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry. Pronouns: Patriarch, Guido, Olive, Catholic

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