World of Warplanes Takes Us to Flight School – Episode 2

World of Warplanes SS 2

World of Warplanes is obviously a game all about – you guessed it, airplanes during the golden era of military dog-fights.

World of Warplanes is a free to play massively multiplayer air combat game, you can download the game for free right now from the developers website. You can also check out that awesome second episode of Flight School below:

Here’s a summary of some key points about the various fighters:

  • Light fighters – These are the planes that you’ll be taking down other planes with fast moves – however they have reduced armor and combat prowess.
  • Attack fighters – These heavier, more readily armed fighters (including a rear gunner) are used for quick and direct ground strikes.
  • Heavy fighters – These are the hybrid type fighters that are tougher than light fighters but are also able to carry bombs and rockets.

World of Warplanes is currently in open beta and will have an official release date at some point.


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