Roughly 20 Companies Interested in Atlus Purchase

Persona 4 Golden SS 1

In a report published by Bloomberg, around 20 companies are interested in the purchase of Atlus parent company Index Holdings.

Index Corp was established in 1995, they bought Atlus Co. in 2006. The company filed for bankruptcy on June 27th due to a pretty large debt amounting to roughly 2.45 billion yen.

Sources close to the situation have claimed that the plan is to whittle down the amount of candidates by next week and to determine the final transfer by the end of this month.

Bids have gone as high as 20 billion yen (roughly $201 million), which is five billion yen more than the expected 15 billion for the parent company.

One of the more notable bidders is Sega Sammy Holdings, who are already a distributor for Atlus games in Japan. So, who do you guys hope buys Index, and subsequently, Atlus? Sound off below!


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