Meet the Steamy Bachelors of Sweet Fuse

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Atlus has released an English trailer for Sweet Fuse, a game about defusing bombs and romancing boys. This trailer is actually the original Japanese trailer, only now it’s fully in English:

Sweet Fuse is centered around Saki Inafune, niece of the legendary game designer Keiji Inafune. Saki’s uncle opened a theme park, unfortunately the park is attacked by the evil Count Hogstein during it’s opening ceremony.

Saki embarks on the perilous task of stopping Hogstein’s plan and saving her uncle and the park’s staff. The game will feature puzzles and dating sim elements, you’ll have seven steamy bachelors to choose from pursuing in your quest to save Keiji.

Sweet Fuse launches on PSN on August 27th, but if you preorder the physical game you get a Count Hogstein necklace! Also, the game will be available on both the American and European stores.



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