Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Has Tons of Collaborations

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace SS 1

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace is coming to PS3 and Vita soon, it’s apparently getting a butt-load of stuff from other franchises. Just how many, you ask? Here is the list:

Crazy TowerDokuro, Dead or Alive 5 UltimateEmil Chronicle, GrandiaGravity RushKerihime SweetsPicotto KnightPuzzle & DragonsRagnarok OnlineRagnarok TacticsSengoku Tenka TriggerSoul SacrificeTales of Symphonia Chronicles, and apparently a secret title as well.

Wow, that’s a lot of crossover stuff! Ragnarok Odyssey Ace is hitting Japan on August 29th and both the Americas & Europe later this year.


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