Meet the Heroes from The Wonderful 101

Nintendo is showing off the heroes from The Wonderful 101 every wednesday via their Facebook and Twitter campaign, Wonderful Wednesdays. So far they have revealed four of the heroes:

Wonderful 101 Wonder Red
Wonder Red, the fearless leader of the Wonderful 101, he commands the other 100 heroes in his group.  His Unite Morph ability turns the Wonderful Ones into a gigantic hand!

Wonderful 101 Wonder Blue
Wonder Blue, his power can transform your heroes into a powerful, larger-than-life sword.

Wonderful 101 Wonder Pink
Wonder Pink seems to be a bit of a morale boost to the team, she nas no problem “whipping” her team of heroes into shape!

Wonderful 101 Wonder Green
Wonder Green, this portly hero takes down enemies with his hero-firing gun. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome.

You can see more of The Wonderful 101 as each Wednesday comes they will talk about another hero from the brigade of 100 heroes.


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