Mars Wars Logs Out Now on XBLA, Hits PSN in August

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Mars Wars Logs is a cyberpunk RPG set on the planet Mars. The colonies you see in the game are very much so under a dystopian rule – the Technomancers control the colonies with an iron fist.

The story takes place roughly a century after a disaster sent the red planet and everyone on it into chaos. Water has naturally become a precious resource – corporations are endlessly fighting for control over it.

You play as Roy, a rebel who is pretty much an everyman who seems quite adaptable and willing to do anything to ensure his own survival. The turning point is when he gets dragged into the fight against the Technomancers.

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The game is a third person action RPG, despite it being a downloadable title it features a breadth of depth, letting you craft armor, weapons and even recruit people to your cause – overthrowing the Technomancers.

Check out the game’s launch trailer below:

You can view the game’s XBLA page here. Mars Wars Logs is also hitting PSN August 7th and “later the same month” for the Americas. Mars Wars Logs is also out on Steam.


Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry. Pronouns: Patriarch, Guido, Olive, Catholic

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