Liege, a Modern Retake on the Classic Tactical RPG

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Liege is a modern retake on classic tactical RPGs, and it looks quite awesome. The game is coming to practically all platforms available now thanks to its pretty successful kickstarter campaign.

The campaign hit many stretch goals. These include: mounts for the characters to ride; ships to be sailed; bigger battles in the game; and ports to more platforms, including Linux PC, Playstation 4, Vita, and Wii U.

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Liege is a cross platform, party-based, tactical role-playing game inspired by JRPG classics, chess, and other games, that’s an “interactive epic about ordinary people like us, placed in fantastic, larger-than-life circumstances. In equally vague terms, it’s a game about family, power, love, death, and other way serious, totally heavy things.”

Liege is intended to be part of a trilogy with a continuous story arc, the first title of which is scheduled for an early 2014 release.

The game is now coming to Playstation 4, Vita, Wii U, PC, Mac, iOS and Android. You can see Liege in acton via the Kickstarter pitch video below:

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry. Pronouns: Patriarch, Guido, Olive, Catholic

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